
  • /plugincontroller (/pc, /plc)

    • enable <plugin> (e) - enables a plugin

    • disable <plugin> (d) - disables a plugin

    • load <jar> (l) - loads plugin from given .jar file

    • unload <plugin> (u) - unloads a plugin from a server

    • reload <plugin> (r, rl) - unloads and loads a plugin

    • sreload <plugin> (s, srl, softreload) - disables and enables a plugin

    • details <plugin> (info, show, i) - shows detailed information about a plugin

    • list [options] (ls) - shows list of plugins with given options

      • -v, -version - shows plugins with versions

      • -o, -options - lists options

      • -a, -alphabetical - lists plugins in alphabetical order

      • -s:name, -search:name - lists plugins containig the given name

    • configreload [plugin] (cr) - reloads a plugins's config file

    • search <query> [page] - looks for a plugin in the Spigot repository

    • more <id or name> - shows information about a plugin from the Spigot repository

    • download <id or name> - downloads plugin from Spigot repository

[argument] is optional, <argument> is required argument. Terms in () are aliases.

Last updated